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Shanieze Foster
Interest: Photography, reading manga and watching independent films.
Music: Prog Metal, Indie, Synthpop and Nu metal.
TV/Movies: Hannibal, Labyrinth, The Lost Boys, From Dusk till Dawn.
Favourite Food: Chinese and Caribbean
Personality: Shy but somehow loud.
Funny story:
This one morning I was making a sandwich for Sixth Form and I cut through the bread and straight into the side of my hand, cutting out a chunk of flesh and I was scared to tell my mum because I knew she’d say “I told you that you’ll cut your hand one day” So I had to get my hand glued at the doctors.

Favourite Songs
Maria I'm Drunk - Travis Scott
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Rewind - Kelela
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Sit Down Stand Up - Radiohead
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We On - BTS
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Tourniquet - TesseracT
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Lost In The World - Kanye West
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