Drama Synopsis
Matty has no memories of the summer after finishing high school, and the ones of his time in school are also very vague. One thing he does remember is that he enjoyed his own company and always kept himself to himself.
Two years later on his first day of university, he bumps into a ghost of his past, an overly-eccentric and outgoing girl called Amy, who introduces him to Lucy and James, two students who also keep to themselves.
The more time he spends with Amy, the more he begins to remember about her. However, the memories he has of Amy do not match the few memories he holds of his own childhood and youth, and he begins to question the reality he remembers.
Amy Waterstone
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Amy is a lively and energetic girl who is constantly positive. Her outgoing personality means that she has never had a problem with making friends with others. She enjoys being able to please everyone and surrounds herself with people she is close to constantly. However, her enthusiasm can sometimes come across badly and it can result in a stubborn desire to do things that she enjoys doing, making others do things that they don’t necessarily want to, and therefore she can come across as selfish and inattentive to other people’s needs and wants. Despite her faults, she is constantly looking out for her friends by making sure that they are never feel like they are alone.
Amy is a small, slim girl, with long fair hair and bluey-green eyes.
Matthew (Matty) Long
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Matty is a very sarcastic individual, and will constantly make jokes to people he is close with, or who see him as a close friend. He purposely keeps himself to himself, and only keeps very few friends from his time in high school and college. He tends to remain very laid-back and relaxed about most situations, and usually won’t go out of his way to make life difficult for himself, only doing things that need to be done. An aspiring writer, he sees university as only a stepping stone to help him get closer to his chosen career, and decided early on not to waste time with experiences from university that would not help him later on. Matty’s personality is shown to change from person to person, with annoyance at Amy, protective with Lucy, and friendly with James. Despite not wanting to show it, he is really a caring person.
Matty is a tall, quite muscly character, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
Lucy King
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Lucy is a timid girl who suffers with social anxiety. She is fiercely shy around new people and is constantly worried about accidentally insulting or upsetting them. Due to this, she tends to apologise a lot. Due to Matty’s sarcastic personality, she finds it difficult to talk to him, and tends to only talk to him when spending time with James and Amy at the same time. Despite her worries, she is always looking to grow her confidence in speaking with others, and cares deeply about the wellbeing of her friends. She looks up to Amy as someone who she someday hopes to be as confident as. Despite her anxiety, she is a very caring person and would do whatever she could to help a struggling person out.
Lucy is quite small, with dark hair and hazel/green eyes.
James Harrison
Gender: Male
Age: 19
James is a relatively quiet boy with a friendly personality. Around friends he becomes much more outgoing. He isn’t shy around people but tends to keep personal information to himself, particularly in regards to his sexuality, after experiences of bullying when he was younger. His reluctance to talk about himself makes him come across as slightly mysterious to his friends. He is very observant and can easily tell when somebody is upset, lying to him, or is hiding something from him, though doesn’t tend to push people to talk about their problems or force the truth out of people due to the fact he has his own secret himself. He cares about the happiness of his friends and does what he can to help them when they need it.
James is tall, with a lean build, fair hair and light brown eyes.
Minor characters
Sam Greenhill
Sam is Matty’s best friend from high school. He and Amy were also very close and the three of them would spend a lot of time outside of school together. Due to Matty and Sam’s close friendship throughout high school, he was the only person that Matty spoke to after high school and throughout college. After finishing college, Sam moved away to university to study Law. He returns home for a few days and meets up with Matty.
Sam is described as attractive, having very little help needing to attract and meet girls. Due to this, Matty likes to make fun of him. Sam is also one of the few people that Matty is able to act his ‘normal’ self around, rather than just being quiet and secluded.
Lisa Walker
Lisa is a young lecturer at the university. She is first present at the welcome lecture, and then again is shown to be leading the module that Matty, Amy, Lucy and James are all taking together. She is friendly and willing to help students whenever they need her help, and makes herself someone that the students feel like they can come and talk to her about.